Headshot of Marek Suchenek.

Marek Suchenek, Ph.D.

Title: Professor
 Computer Science
Email: suchenek@csudh.edu
(310) 243-2068

Contact Preference: Email

Areas of Expertise

Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Theoretical Computer Science, Applied Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Ethics, Mathematical Logic

Professional Background

Dr. Marek has taught at CSUDH since 1990. He has authored two textbooks, 16 peer-refereed journal publications, and 12 other peer-refereed publications. He has also delivered 28 presentations, and written 20 non-refereed publications and ten reviews. View a full list of his publications here.

His professional and teaching interests include the logical foundations of computer science, deductive databases, reasoning about knowledge, nonmonotonic logic, and theoretical computer science.


Ph.D. (with distinction), Technological Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology

M.Sc., Mathematical Engineering with Specialty in Technical Cybernetics, Warsaw University of Technology

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