Headshot of Minhye Son.

Minhye Son, Ed.D.

Title: Assistant Professor
 Teacher Education
Email: mson@csudh.edu
(310) 243-3922

Contact Preference: Email

Areas of Expertise

Teacher Education, Bilingual Education, Bilingualism, Asian/Korean Immigrant and Transnational Communities, Qualitative Research Methods

Professional Background

Dr. Son is an Assistant Professor in Teacher Education at CSUDH. Grounded in sociocultural theories and critical frameworks, her scholarly interests focus on the intersections of language and power in the areas of teacher education and bilingual/multicultural education. At CSUDH, she has the privilege of serving future teachers to support their practice in developing critical and humanizing pedagogy informed by anti-racist and decolonizing approaches with an asset and strength-based lens.

Dr Son is a Co-PI of the Multilingual/Minoritized Educators Networked-Learning and Development (MEND) project, Co-Chair of the CSU Council on Plurilingual Educators Preparation (CPEP) 2023-2025, and Coordinator for the Asian Languages Bilingual Teacher Education Preparation (BTEP) CSU Consortium.


English, Korean


Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University

B.A., Queens College, the City University of New York

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