Headshot of Larry Rosen.

Larry Rosen, Ph.D.

Title: Professor Emeritus
Email: lrosen@csudh.edu
Phone: (714) 624-4333

Contact Preference: Email

Areas of Expertise

Technology, Social Media, Technology and the Brain, Multitasking, Sleep, Addiction

Professional Background

Rosen has studied the “psychology of technology” since 1984. He has written seven books on the topic including: The Distracted Mind: Ancient Brains in a High-Tech World (2016), iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession With Technology and Overcoming its Hold on Us (2012), Rewired: Understanding the iGeneration and the Way They Learn (2010);” and Me, MySpace and I: Parenting the Net Generation (2007). Rosen has been featured on all forms of media including television, print, and radio. He has published numerous journal articles, writes blogs for Psychology Today and The Huffington Post, and is sought after as an international keynote speaker, having spoken in the United States and 20 other countries.


English, S.E.E. Sign


Ph.D., University of California, San Diego
B.A., University of California, Los Angeles

International Experience

Keynote Speaking: Canada, India, Germany, Scotland, Netherlands, Italy, Hong Kong, Spain, Mexico, Slovakia, Poland, Turkey, Austria, and Hungary.

Related News Stories

How to Focus Like It’s 1990, The New York Times, 2023

4 Sneaky Ways Your Phone Is Completely Stressing You Out, Prevention, 2023

Is the Age of Unplugging on Planes Over?, Washington Post, 2023

The High Cost of Living Your Life Online, Wired, 2022

In-Person Work Can Steal Hours of Your Personal Time. Take Back Control with These Expert Tips, CNN, 2022

Brain Hacking, 60 Minutes, 2017


