Headshot of Joshua Jeffers.

Joshua Jack Jeffers, Ph.D.

Title: Associate Professor
Email: jojeffers@csudh.edu
(310) 243-3328

Contact Preference: Any

Areas of Expertise

Native American History, Colonial America, Early American Republic, History of the Midwest, Settler Colonialism, Frontier History, Environmental History

Professional Background

Dr. Jeffers’ current book project, From Ohi’yo to Ohio: Conceptual Landscapes and the Transformation of Ohio Country, 1729-1847, examines how beliefs about the Ohio landscape have shaped its history. Dr. Jeffers has published a number of articles and book chapters, most recently “Colonizing the Indigenous Past: Settler-Colonial Place-Making and the Ancient Landscape of the Early Midwest” in The Making of the Midwest: Essays on the Formation of Midwestern Identity, 1787-1900 (2020), and “From Pipes to Pistols: Blood Run, the Pipestone Trade, and the Eclipse of the Pre-Contact Economy in the Upper Midwest” in Heartland River: A Cultural and Environmental History of the Big Sioux River Valley (2022).

Dr. Jeffers is also working on a state of the field essay on Native American history and the Midwest titled “On Regions Lost and Peoples Found: Native American Historiography and the New Midwestern History,” which will be published in the forthcoming edited collection, Jon Lauck (ed), Hearing the Heartland: Essays on the Plight and Promise of the New Midwestern History (2024).


Ph.D., History, Purdue University

M.A., History, Northern Illinois University

B.A., History and B.A., Philosophy, Ohio State University
