Headshot of Gilah Yelin Hirsch.

Gilah Yelin Hirsch, M.F.A.

Title: Professor Emerita
 Art and Design
Email: ghirsch@csudh.edu

Areas of Expertise

Multidisciplinary Arts, Imagery and Healing, Biotheology, Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Feminist Art

Professional Background

Gilah Yelin Hirsch is a painter, writer, theorist, photographer, videographer, filmmaker, lecturer and Professor of Art at CSUDH. She works in a multidisciplinary manner including art, design, anthropology, architecture, theology, philosophy, psychology, psychoneuroimmunology and world culture.

An internationally exhibiting artist since 1968, Hirsch’s paintings have been acquired by major public and private collections, including the Skirball Museum, Los Angeles, CA; Alexander Braun Collection, Budapest; the Bank of America National Banks, USA; University of California Medical Arts Collection, Los Angeles, CA, and have appeared on covers and within dozens of journals, magazines and books, along with articles and book chapters about her life and work.

Hirsch’s own articles and theoretical papers have been published in scholarly journals internationally including Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal; Artweek; Journal of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Collections of Foreign Studies on Shamanism, Dalian Nationalities University, China; and Hirsch’s film Cosmography: The Writing of the Universe, an investigation into the relation between origin of alphabet, pattern in nature and the neurology of perception and cognition, has received worldwide interdisciplinary notice.

Her current film, Reading the Landscape, brings these concepts to children of all ages in sixteen languages and cultures. Since 1980, Hirsch has lectured, presented workshops and worked in the fields of psychoneuroimmunology, as well as art and healing, most recently for children with cancer at the “Sunshine Foundation.”

Hirsch has led numerous creativity workshops and has given over three hundred presentations on her work at universities, institutes and conferences internationally.


M.F.A., University of California, Los Angeles

B.A., University of California, Berkeley



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When Happiness Does Not Make Us Happy, TEDx, 2015

Artist as Scientist in a Reflective Universe: A Process of Discovery, Leonardo Journal, April 2014

Gilah Yelin Hirsch: Artist Named Co-President Elect of Energy Medicine Society, CSUDH Campus News Center, Jan 2011
