Headshot of Katherine Chu.

Katherine Chu, Ph.D.

Title: Lecturer
 Asian Pacific Studies
Email: kchu@csudh.edu
(310) 243-2426

Contact Preference: Email

Areas of Expertise

Chinese Films, Asian Cinema, Hong Kong, China-US Relationship, Hong Kong Cinema, Soft Power, National Images

Professional Background

Katherine Chu is a political scientist whose research interests include cultural policy, nationalism, soft power, China/Asian film industries (including Taiwan, Hong Kong and India film industries), and Asian Americans in Hollywood. She obtained her Ph.D. in Politics and International Relations and M.A. in East Asian Area Studies from the University of Southern California, and her B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is the author of “Co-Opting the Wolves: National Film Industry Reform in China after 1978,” Asian Politics & Policy (January, 2010).


English, Cantonese, Mandarin


Ph.D., University of Southern California, Politics & International Relations

M.A., University of Southern California, East Asia Area Studies

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Chinese Actress Disappears From Social Media As China Cracks Down On Influencers, NPR, 2021

Who is More Hurt When China’s entertainment Industry and the World Part Ways? (Chinese), Voa Cantonese, 2021

It Is Difficult for Zhao Ting’s New Film to Be Released in China, and the U.S. and Chinese film Industries Are Heading Towards Decoupling (Chinese), LA People, 2021

Forging Nationalism Through Film, US-China Today, 2019


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