Headshot of Giacomo Bono.

Giacomo Bono, Ph.D.

Title: Professor
Email: gbono@csudh.edu
(310) 243-3511

Areas of Expertise

Social and Developmental Psychology, Resilience, Character Development, social emotional competency and well-being, and applied research focus on school and community interventions.

Professional Background

Dr. Giacomo Bono is an author, teacher and researcher in social and developmental psychology and in the behavioral sciences. He co-authored the book Making Grateful Kids: The Science of Building Character (2014, Templeton Press) with Hofstra University faculty member Jeffrey Froh, and Character Lab’s Gratitude Playbook with Angela Duckworth, and he is author of Thanks! A Strengths-Based Gratitude Curriculum for Tweens and Teens (2018, Greater Good Science Center).

Bono has conducted research on youth development and intervention programs for schools and communities. He is the director of the Youth Gratitude Project (YGP), which received two three-year grants totaling $2.5 million from the John Templeton Foundation between 2011-2018. The YGP assesses gratitude among children and adolescents, examines the development of gratitude, and develops intervention strategies for promoting gratitude in youth. Currently, his research is focused on improving application of gratitude curricular practices in K-12 school settings to support social emotional learning in students, well-being in teachers and overall school climate. The overall goal is to increase student agency and motivation and optimize social relationships between youth, teachers and staff at school.


Ph.D., Applied Social Psychology, Claremont Graduate University


English, Italian

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9 Easy Ways to Get More Grateful, TIME, 2022

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How Gratitude Can Help With Students’ Anxiety, Greater Good Science Center, 2020

A Tiny Thanks Goes a Long Way — in Helping Students Forge Social-Emotional Connections, EDSurge, 2018
