
California State University, Dominguez Hills has exceptional scholars and educators who are among the most distinguished experts in their fields. This guide identifies faculty who offer special knowledge, informed opinions, and noteworthy perspectives on current and unique topics, and who are willing to speak with journalists.

To find an expert source for your story, use the search function or view a list of experts by topic. The University Communications and Marketing staff are also available to help reporters meet their deadlines, assist with long-lead editorials, and provide timely information for print, broadcast, and online media.

Experts in the News

Portrait of Alfredo Carlos.

Giving workers more autonomy, flexibility, and choice in any work setting can go a long way in helping to retain workers, especially Generation Z and Millennials who have different multiple life ‘bottom lines’ than older generations have had.”

Alfredo Carlos

Assistant Professor of Labor Studies

From “States Where Unemployment Claims Are Increasing the Most” – WalletHub

Portrait of Michael Manahan.

Overall, managing taxes on cryptocurrency investments requires careful record-keeping, understanding tax rules and regulations and potentially seeking professional assistance to ensure accurate reporting and compliance with tax laws.”

Michael Manahan

Lecturer of Finance

From “Should You File Your Taxes with Online Software Or Hire an Accountant” – MoneyGeek

Headshot of Beverly Palmer.

The first thing that research shows in terms of physical or sexual attraction is that we tend to initially be drawn to people that are similar to our physical attractiveness.”

Beverly Palmer

Professor Emerita of Psychology

From “Why Do People Seem More Attractive at the Airport” – Business Insider